Monday, September 30, 2019

Experience of working within a social work organization Essay

Introduction Organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals .All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigned roles, responsibility and authority to carry out different task (Sorenson, 1999, p. 76). Initially I will give a brief back ground about organisation of my placement, the Primary task, Authority and issues of diversity and inter-professional working. Interpersonal skills of a mental health professional are essential for an effective multidisciplinary team member, interpersonal skills, characteristics and attitudes are key to team working. Individuals on a team should be encouraged, through reflective practice and appropriate support, to examine their own characteristics and how they might adapt to a team environment. It is also important to recognize that while mental health professionals may have well-developed skills within their own area of expertise, it should not be assumed that they have all of the skills needed to collaborate effectively with others as part of a team. There is the primary task (also referred to as functional task or work task), this corresponds with the mission of an organization. Most organizations face multiple tasks all vying to be expressed in the service of the primary task. This is the point where authority, becomes central, i.e. the person who decides what task has priority. It is the authority boundary in conjunction with the task boundary that helps the task become clear and for the work of the group to be taken on successfully. (Hayden and Molenkamp, 2002, p. 7). Absent clarity at the authority boundary, destructive chaos is likely to result and the survival of the group is in peril. While in some instances such a collapse is desirable for the new to arise and for the task to be met. Yet from the perspective of the group that dies, the loss continues to live well after the time boundary passes. The primary task of my group in the organization, include case management, analysis of social welfare policies, and Care management’ was considered to be fundamental element of the community care reforms in the 1990 Act. In 2003 one in ten of local authority social workers were employed as care managers but it is difficult to know what this meant in terms of their roles and function. In theory the core tasks included: case finding and referral; assessment and selection; care planning and service packaging; monitoring and re-assessment; and case closure. (Knapp et al, 2005: 40). Functions that team the play for society was our objectives as a team was to create a society in the next two decades in which no child lives in poverty and where all children have opportunities to realize their potential. Improving opportunities for disadvantaged children is at the heart of our strategy.   (HM Treasury 1999, p. 39). As with older people, the consistent message that disabled people have given about the services they receive is that they do not adequately meet their needs. Research by Jenny Morris in the early 1990s found that statutory services were inflexible; were only available for the most basic personal care tasks; tended to `fit the client to the service’ rather than the service to the client; were provided in a way that reduced independence; and were only available to people in their own home so they could not be helped to go out, either to social activities or to work. Authority boundaries and facilitating structures, the role of authority boundaries and structures is to provide a space or object for the anxiety and worry work to be displaced among social workers, so that the group can attend to the task realistically and appropriately. The term leader acts out as the organization’s ambivalence and splitting. Interpreting this situation through Hirschhorn’s model suggests problematic consequences. The issue groups volunteers to take up the organizational tasks and attendant risks offered and accepted authority and, using Colin’s facilitating structures, did important work; they thus entered the virtuous cycle. This process, however, reduced the authority and increased the anxiety in the top team; they were likely to be heading for a vicious cycle of anxiety, leading to social defences, and therefore dysfunctional process and inhibiting structure. Thus, there were two competing processes: one facilitating change and the other undermining it. All organizations have socially constructed defences against the anxiety which is aroused through carrying out the primary task of the organization ( Isabel Menzies 1970 p.496) These social defences may be evident in the organization structure, in its procedures, information systems, roles, in its culture, and in the gap between what the organizations says it is doing and what it is actually doing. Social defences are â€Å"created† unconsciously by members of the organization through their interactions in carrying out the primary task. Social defaces helps the top team rarely to operate in the â€Å"work group† mode; basic assumption behavior is more prevalent. The term leader, in his leadership, yet an analysis of the top team’s dynamics suggests a high degree of basic assumption dependence. Additionally, lack human diversity within any given organization if the workplace is within, to coin (Hirschhorn’s, 1988 pp.39) term, then the learning organization must account for the variety of images that obtrude from the personal histories of each member. The work of (Kets de Vries and Miller 1985, pp.239) illustrates clearly the consequences of the neurotic qualities of managers permeating the working relations within an organization. Additionally, an element of diversity is a person’s age and life stage (pp.246) .On a different front writers such as (Gilligan 1982 pp.23) and (Schachtel , 1989 pp.214)   have argued in their own ways that gender influences strongly the way in which men and women engage with their world. The learning disabilities which Senge sees connected to structural manifestations of hierarchy and segmentation may be understood more deeply as evidence of patriarchal, phallocentric modes of engagement. Yet a reading of Senge shows no consideration of neurosis, age or gender, let alone libido, in the dynamics of the learning process. Furthermore, he does not consider how any one of these affects a person’s readiness to learn, which differs substantially between people at different times. He asserts that the learning organization is one which will end the war between home and work when managers realize that effective parenting is the model for leadership. Knowlden (1998) suggested that experience impact on a social worker ability to be caring; as a student social worker I was often overwhelmed by the working environment. This could imply that it is not the amount of experience which is important, but the length of time it takes for a social work to acclimatize. Support mechanisms such as preceptorship and clinical supervision may, therefore, have a role in facilitating compassionate care. (Pearcey’s 2007 p.29) study offers some support for Wright’s views. As a social work I observed that qualified social workers mainly cared for patients’ medical needs, with the core element delegated to junior practitioners. Many years ago a ‘task-centred’ approach to organizing care was proposed as a possible defence mechanism against the anxiety that a more interpersonal style of working creates (Menzies, 1970 p.258). This may offer some insight into the behaviour of social workers who seek refuge in form filling and other activities not directly related to care. Social worker students from different health disciplines often have little idea of what each other’s roles entail. Inter-professional learning increase this knowledge, as well as giving students an understanding of the interpersonal skills needed for liaison and communication. Every professional has its own roles, skills and responsibilities making for efficient practices in curing, managing or treating particular ailments, but has this always created cohesive team working in day-to-day working life. In my social worker practice fitting in the organization hierarchy was a problem, and I was not able to question, share knowledge and learn together without professional and defensive boundaries. Often, an institutional hierarchy may obstruct the flow of communication and prevent a person from contributing and feeling valued, which ultimately can negatively affect patient care (Reynolds, 2005 p.19). More longitudinal studies are needed that follow through and beyond my undergraduate studies, along with critical observation of the learning process. Standardizing in the curricula of all health professionals can improve key skills and prepare students for their careers by driving up standards of professionalism and best practice. Sometimes, in the hierarchy of the hospital, it is hard to know what one place is as a student social worker student. When one is it the bottom of the totem pole.   No one in this hospital is lower than me. I think most of us have probably gotten that vibe at some point, even if it hasn’t been explicitly articulated.   There’s the simple fact that, in some ways, we are occasionally more of a burden to the hospital than a benefit.   It’s a constant between trying to be useful, trying to learn something and really make the most of rotation, and simply not getting in the way. For example â€Å"one of social worker will help you,† the term leader said.   Maybe he was joking?   I couldn’t tell his intonation could have gone either way. Then, the leader handed me a folder.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Here, fan her with this,† she said.   Again joking?   Not sure.   Ã‚  And naturally, being a social worker student, my mind immediately leapt to the assumption that they would think I wasn’t a team player if I didn’t agree to fan her. So really, what else could I do?   When the staff physician walked in, I tried to be nonchalant about the fact that I was standing by the patient’s head and fanning her with a purple confidentiality. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy within a multidisciplinary asking question is also a careful balance. A friend a year ahead of me gave me some pretty phenomenal advice:   If it’s a question related to patient care or unique to a particular situation, or about management of your patient’s condition ask away.   Of course, there’s a time and a place for everything. From the view of the individual I have sketched, the important questions about groups are those devoted to the conditions that take away the factors in social environment that ordinarily keep his self-system in its normal integration. (Bion, 1961: 145-6) Bion stated that the basic assumptions are states of mind the individuals in the group get into. The awareness of the group remains in its regressed form because the group is there and so restrains further disintegration which would be tantamount to psychotic states, an eventuality that the early structuring of the self also resists desperately. The problems of group dynamics thus become those of how the normal affirmations of the self system are removed. The situations of groups in this respect are of almost infinite variety. Thus when Bion said that certain illnesses might originate as diseases of the group, he thought specific illnesses might prove to be linked to specific states of the group. Here the most prominent stem from the task. Although there may have been some nominal description such as â€Å"to study group processes,† none of the members has any clear notion of what that task involves this affected my group as I was working with. There is therefore immediately a considerable loss for the self of its ego anchorage in reality. Important also is the realization that the task, in whatever form it emerges, will involve members in some exposure of their private and even hidden self. This factor I believe to be important in the group dynamics group, although much more so in the therapeutic one. Since the origin of the secret self was its unacceptability, there is a great deal of anxious suspicion among members is that which he expresses some of his feelings about the situation. In conclusion, from my experience, I have learnt that it is important for both the student and the organization placement staff to be aware of who is going where before the placement starts. A good social worker student will contact the organization team in advance of the placement in order to check what time to turn up, and whether there is any uniform policy or other protocols they should be aware of. Likewise a good ward team and mentor will encourage the student to come on a preliminary visit just to be given the above information and to say hello. It can help enormously to reduce anxiety on a first day if the student already knows one or two faces. On a pre-placement visit the student can be introduced to their mentor and have a quick chat and any placement reading can be handed out together with the placement information pack, outlining learning opportunities and ward information, shift pattern, dress code etc. Off duty rotas can be planned together and a pre-placement visit can also be the forum for any negotiation over study days and child care needs etc., so that the anxiety over these can be managed prior to the placement. A good welcoming pre-placement visit can begin the process of socialization into the team and its culture and can give the student an early sense of belonging.    References Bion, W.R., (1961) Experiences in groups and other papers. London: Tavistock Publications [Reprinted London: Routledge, 1989; London: Brunner-Routledge, 2001.] Corbin, J. (2008) Is caring a lost art in nursing? International Journal of Nursing Studies; 45, 163-165. Gilligan, C. (1982), In a Different Voice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, . Hayden, C. & Molenkamp, R. J. (2002). â€Å"Tavistock primer II.† Jupiter, FL: The A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Hirschhorn, L. (1988), The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life, MIT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, Cambridge, MA, . HM Treasury (1999) Opportunity for All London. The Stationary Kets de Vries, M., Miller, D. (1985), The Neurotic Organization, Jossey Bass, London, . Knowlden, V. (1998) The Communication of Caring in Nursing. Indianapolis: Center Nursing Press. Menzies, I.E.P. (1970) The Functioning of Social Systems as a Defence Against Anxiety: Report on a Study of the Nursing Service of aGeneral Hospital. London: Tavistock Institute of Marital Studies. Pearcey, P. (2007) Tasks and routines in 21st century nursing: student nurses’ perceptions. British Journal of Nursing; 16: 5, 296-300. Reynolds F (2005) Communication and Clinical Effectiveness in Rehabilitation. Edinburgh: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Schachtel, Z. (1989), â€Å"Men, women, and work†, in Changing Group Relations. The Proceedings of the Ninth Scientific Meeting of the A.K. Rice Institute (Eds),New York, NY, . Senge, P.M., Roberts, C., Ross, R.B., Smith, B.J., Kleiner, A. (1994), The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, . Senge, P.M. (1990), â€Å"The leader’s new work: building learning organizations†, Sloan Management Review, Fall Reprint 3211, Sorenson, G. (1999). Taking the robes off: when leaders step down. In B. Kellerman and L. Matusak(Eds.), Cutting Edge: Leadership 2000. College Park, MD: Academy of Leadership Press, 1999. Tweddell, L. (2007) Compassion on the curriculum. Nursing Times; 103: 38, 18-19.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Treaty of Versailles: Do Peace Settlements Create Conditions for New Conflicts?

â€Å"Peace settlements create conditions for new conflicts. † With reference to the Treaty of Versailles explain to what extent you agree with this statement. (2005) Peace settlements or treaties are set up to establish some ground rules between countries that are included within the settlement. Within these peace settlement restrictions that benefit some countries and harm others are imposed by the conferences that these settlements are created. In the Treaty of Versailles signed after the First World War Germany suffered of harm due to the restrictions it imposed on the country which included a loss of land, demilitarization and other restrictions. Germany was the country least benefited from this agreement while other countries like France who created the Treaty were benefited due to the extensive payments that Germany had to pay France due to the destruction it caused. This Treaty led to new tensions within new countries that were formed due to the division of land due to different nationalities forced to be enclosed within one newly formed country. After the end of World War One a peace conference was set up in order to determine how the destruction caused by the war was going to be handled in order to try and satisfy rival countries. In the conference of the creation of The Treaty of Versailles the major consensus that its members arrived to was that the blame for most of the destruction in Europe was to be blamed to Germany. Germany due to its diplomatic relations had no vote in the future of the country of Germany which included a reduction in its army to 100,000 soldiers, no U-boats, reduced navy, no air force. This was implemented due to fear of a new attack by the German power to weakened countries in Europe which led to these restrictions in order to have full militaristic control over Germany. Not only did militaristic control gain provide security to the rival countries but security that Germany would be isolated and weak was one ultimate goal of the treaty which stated that Germany could not join up with an allied of the war in order to defend itself, its most important industrial geographical section was taken away in order to prevent militaristic growth which could mean it could serve as a defense territory for France. This loss in an economic producing part of Germany caused tensions to arise between France and Germany because the Germans could not pay any of the payments to France due to the economic crisis that struck Germany after the treaty of Versailles was imposed. This caused a inflation growth in Germany where its currency lost total value and this caused France to begin tensions with Germany because Germany had no money to pay the installments and France demanded them in order to â€Å"recuperate† from the destruction produced by Germany. In order to establish control and enforcement of the following of the Treaty of Versailles the United States imposed the Dawes plan that lent money to Germany to pay the installments and recuperate from the economic crisis but it had to be paid back and this caused Germany to fall into a deeper problem since when the United States demanded the money to be returned in the Great Depression Germany did not possess any money available to pay this loan causing tensions with countries abroad Europe. The creation of new countries came about when the division of land was decided by the treaty of Versailles. These new countries were land recovered from the major powers and mostly were taken from Germany due to the main blame for the war. This caused several different types of tensions among the people of different nationalities within the newly formed countries due to the difference in nationalities of the people who were enclosed within these new countries due to constant clashes of racial, ethnical disagreements. This of course caused discontent in the countries that the land was taken away from most evidently and most explicitly shown in Germany under the power of Adolf Hitler in 1933. Hitler as a totalitarian leader has several goals he wishes to reach while he is in power and one of these was that he wanted to rejoin all the German speaking people into one country in order to create one strong Germany but this was a difficult job since the Treaty of Versailles caused many German speaking people to be separated from the main country and be put into newly formed countries. This caused the people to feel oppressed and Hitler grew a hate to the Treaty due to the oppression it produced on the people of Germany. Ultimately this peace settlement created a new condition for a new conflict which later became known as World War Two due to the discontent Hitler had towards it and the ultimate goal he had which was to abolish it with no matter how many lives it took or how much destruction it would take. And as history shows there was no opposition in the beginning of his destruction of the treaty ue to the fear that any obstruction in stopping Hitler might cause a war between a countries that began to grow against another who is recuperating from a devastating war. After analyzing and understanding the reasons and effects of the Treaty of Versailles it can be said with historical facts that the treaty of Versailles set up a scene for a new conflict that would become another total war in a proximity to the previous one that would have never been predicted. The treaty created oppression towards the people why were involved in it, mainly Germany, which caused clashes and opposition to arise in order to abolish the treaty. Hitler was a complete enemy towards the treaty since he saw the oppression it produced and it had to be destroyed no matter how many lives and destruction and despair it took in order to reach his goal of destroying the treaty. A pace settlement or treaty like the Treaty of Versailles at first shows a future of peace and prosperity at cost of oppression being imposed in enemy countries. The treaty of Versailles did not cause this wonderful future but caused another major conflict in a short time after this war that would be later called World War Two with the same or more destruction as the one that preceded it years prior. In order to impose a treaty oppression is used and can turn into chaos causing a new major conflict or can be a limit for the opponent in order to control every action it takes as the Treaty of Versailles proved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

african history essays research papers

We all can relate to changing schools or even starting school for the first time. One who has never experienced this can only imagine being of a different culture, speaking a different language, looking differently and being the â€Å"new kid.† Lucero best describes this when she states, â€Å"Made conscious of the â€Å"otherness† of Indians, my world began to divide into a world of Us and Them.† Ortiz tells about her struggle in school to not speak a language he was accustoming to. â€Å"Children in school were punished and looked upon with disdain if they did not speak and learn English quickly and smoothly.† (30) He also uses the words â€Å"corporal punishment† and â€Å"ostracism† to describe the feeling, and possibly real, threats he lived with if he did not abide by the rules being forced on them. (30) This would be more than enough for any one to rebel, but he did not. One thing that stood out in his description of what he was enduri ng was the love he had for language. He states, â€Å"I loved language, the sound, meaning, and magic of language.† (30)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lucero connected with me she was telling about her adventure of seeing snow for the first time, and the different structures of the houses for what she was use to in her community. If one had not seen a paved road in their life, it would be a strange site. (30) The thought of what these people endured should enrage most of us. Think about our children being called â€Å"stupid Indian/savages.† There would be some one fighting in the street or some one suing some one else. Who could these people fight, an entire nation? Who would they sue, the government? It has been made clear that most of these people’s rights had been taken away. They were forced to conform or be ridiculed. Ortiz says it best with â€Å"†¦ the intent of U.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Scope for exploiting Big Data and Big Data Analytics in the local Essay - 1

Scope for exploiting Big Data and Big Data Analytics in the local transport industry - Essay Example The data being accumulated comes from a wide range of sources. However, the data growth is driven by two main sources working together with decreasing storage costs. The first source for data is the â€Å"internet of things†. A number of sensors collate information on our activities and environment on a daily basis. These connected devices contribute substantially to the amount of information accumulated daily and they are projected to rise from about 4.5 billion devices in 2010 to over 50 billion in 2020 (Dumbill, 2012). The second greatest source of data is the social web of networks where information about human activities is shared on a daily basis. This includes data about human preferences, interests, and locations. On addition to the two major sources of data highlighted above, there are a number of other private sources including hospital records, phone communications, financial transactions, information captured on CCTV and many others. The McKinsey Global Institute has termed big data as the next frontier for competition, innovation, and global productivity (Mayinka, 2011). The analysis of masses of unstructured and semi-structured data which some time ago would have been considered prohibitive in terms of time and money is now considered the next step towards business advantage. One of the reasons why this data has turned out to be very important is that great insight can be gained from the data by monitoring the patterns of human interaction. One of the areas in which big data displays great potential is the transportation industry. This is an industry which increasingly showing great requirement for an industrial big data platform. With increasing urbanization and expansion of many cities across the world, traffic management and related challenges are getting bigger by the day. In some of the largest and more congested cities in the world, a lot of hours are lost daily on traffic and most people incur economic losses and social stress due to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mammography and MRI Availability Act of 2009 Essay

Mammography and MRI Availability Act of 2009 - Essay Example t African American women have the highest incidence of breast cancer and are 30% more likely to die of the disease than caucasian women, at least in part due to later stage disease detection in this group of women (Schuler, 2009). Breast cancer screening tools such as mammography were introduced into widespread use based on the presumption that early detection afforded by routine screening would lead to more effective treatment and overall survival rates from this disease. Data collected from numerous clinical trials indicate that mammography screening done on an annual basis is associated with a significant reduction in mortality rates from breast cancer (Elting, 2009). According to the World health organization (WHO), a 35% decrease in mortality from breast cancer is associated with biannual mammography in women between the ages of 50-69 years (Elting et al, 2009). The statistics on actual use of mammography as a diagnostic tool for women over 40 reveal that this screening modality is significantly underused by women in this age group for whom the test is most highly recommended. For example, in 2002 approximately 25% of eligible women did not receive this diagnostic test (Schueler, 2008). Racial and ethnic differences in screening percentages mean that caucasian women are far more likely to receive annual mammography, which may account in part for the increased death rates in African American women from breast cancer in that it is not as likely to be detected in this group at an early stage (Schueler et al, 2008). In addition, women from lower socioeconomic groups (lower income, less education) are less likely to receive annual mammography screening. Moreover, the statistics indicate that women living in rural areas are less likely to receive diagnostic screening than women living in urban areas in the US (Schueler et al, 2008). Research suggests that the most important factor accounting for these demographic and racial differences in screening rates

Culture competent care in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture competent care in nursing - Essay Example This can eliminate communication problems created by differences in language. It is not necessary to master the whole language, but basic dialectical jargons can be essential in understanding and meeting the needs of Aboriginal people. Besides learning the language, nurses should take a keen interest in the health-related cultural practices of Aboriginal people. For instance, Aborigines have some beliefs regarding the treatment of men by women (Leever, 2011). The men prefer to be managed by fellow men and not women. Another important aspect of Aboriginal culture is respect, and nurses should understand this in order to minimize the difficulties faced when taking care of Aboriginal people. Dignity, respect, and humility should be part of nurses’ ethos when dealing with Aborigines (Bearskin, 2011). Finally, it is ideal for nurses to understand the religious dynamics of Aboriginal culture that influence their view of medicine. Some Aborigines use religious beliefs to shape their health perspectives, and nurses will have an easier time managing them if they comprehend the relationship between Aboriginal health and religion. Cameron, B., Plazas, M., Salas, A., & Hungler, K. (2014). Understanding inequalities in access to health care services for aboriginal people a call for nursing Action. Advances in Nursing Science, 37(3),

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Application of the Saul Alinksky Approach Research Paper

The Application of the Saul Alinksky Approach - Research Paper Example There needs to be an evaluation of the principles. The notion that has been followed by Saul Alinsky was greatly dependent upon the fact that end result of any task that one undertakes, be it an activist, needs to have a clear path by knowing the incurred cost. This clearly puts an emphasis on the fact that those who would believe that by the usage of corrupt means, the end of the task will also be corrupt is an actual and fair belief (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2012). In his article, Saul has evidently shown that there needs to be rules exemption in terms of means and ends. However, critics claim that it is not correct to apply a same belief for all sorts of situations. The model approach that has been appointed by Saul includes a number of components giving clear inclination regarding different circumstances. The initial component or the situation of the model approach is the minimalistic view of an individual regarding means and ethics. This relatively shows that the individual is more considerate about his personal goals avoiding the conflict making him distant from the situation (Ledwith, 2011). Another component or the situation can be where the decision makers are in complete hold of their environment. This means that decision-makers can only take decision by sticking to the political grounds. In simpler words, it can be said that decision-making can also be influence depending upon the power or hold of politics. Saul Alinsky further goes into another situation with the roots of the above noted components. He notes, â€Å"Liberals in their meetings utter bold words; they strut, grimace belligerently, and then issue a weasel-worded statement which has tremendous implications, if read between the lines. They sit calmly, dispassionately, studying the issue; judging both sides; they sit and still sit ( (Alinsky, 2010, p. 4)†. The approach tends to apply to a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Observation about resarch methodologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Observation about resarch methodologies - Essay Example Increasingly, though, this means of taking account of the world is being questioned, if not discredited† (Jones). Recent growth in media along with the advances of technology made it too commercialized that it now focuses more on providing information about celebrities than delivering real news. Real news which used to be the meat of the media now even has to compete with late night shows due to this commercialized development. The growth of the media changed itself and has shifted its focus from informing the public about real news that forms opinions to merely reporting news about celebrities. Despite the growing diversity of media outlets that now include newspapers, magazines, radios and cable television, its coverage became more mundane and limited as reporters have become more interested in discussing matters that concern more about celebrities because the public enjoys such stories than giving substantive news. This variety in the media creates competition that editors a nd producers alike are pressured to focus their news base on what people enjoys than what really matters for them to increase their ratings. The best example about this is the media frenzy about Michael Jackson’s death. ... This detailed description reveals the proportion of the coverage the media devotes to Michael Jackson. The news about the death of the pop star fills the press around the world as journalists compete about the newest piece of information to share with millions of people while disregarding other more important news. The continuous coverage and the diversity of the media outlet involved explain how celebrities like Michael Jackson play a key role for the industry to thrive. The news of the pop star’s death has succeeded in rendering any major political, economic or social event futile because radio stations, cable television and newspaper editors place more importance on the pop star’s death no matter how trivial it is. An article relating o the pop star’s death even read and informs: â€Å"From the eerily titled ‘Michael Jackson: The Afterlife,’ which airs locally at 8 p.m. on WNEP to a two-hour interview with Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine, on WBRE-TV at 9 p.m, multiple television specials and tributes to the ‘Thriller’ hit maker will fill the airwaves† (Brown). This overwhelming and continuous coverage reflects the fame of the artist and the demand of the public to whom it is directed. Each medium, according to its specialty deals with a form of information suited to its audience which keeps the discussion going. The coverage may discuss Jackson’s financial issues, his children, or his relationship with his family. This statement indicates: â€Å"Additionally, tabloids such as the New York Post and the New York Daily News are reporting information about the singer's family, and non-tabloids, such as The New York Times and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Typical Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Typical Day - Essay Example The flow of different people makes the place lively with different culture, something I have always anticipated for. Texas, my residential place, is dominated by Americans, hence sounds monotonous. On my visit to the city, I was amazed by the kind of infrastructure that was present and which was much better from the ones that are existence in my current state. The immigration procedures that I experienced in New York were all legal and streamlined compared to those of Texas. Secondly, New York City exerts great impact on the businesses, money issues, media issues, fashion and design, art, research and technology, education and entertainment. These sectors seem to be far ahead of what Texas contains and I enjoyed the high quality facilities. The experience was fascinating to me with the advancement of these entire infrastructures, talk of the subway among others. The third impact was the pride of being in the city that holds the United Nations HQ, which means that all the services needed from the UN offices, can easily be obtained while in the city. The city also acts as an important center for international diplomacy and has made it to be described as the international centre for capital and cultural capital of the word. With the imagination that I could easily access these offices brought my career dreams close to reality. The city comprises of a mixture of many different culture from all over the word due to its immigration rules (Dunford et al.). The feeling of experiencing the cultural diversity made the city unique to me and ideal with different clothing styles, different foods from different parts of the world and one can hardly miss anything while in the city unlike what is in Texas. Still on the culture issue, I had the privilege to interact with people of different dialects. There are estimated 800 languages spoken in the City of New York City, which makes it one of the cities with diverse languages in the world. In Texas, there are high levels

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Environmental Issue Essay Example for Free

Environmental Issue Essay The current concern of our environmentalist nowadays is how to bring back the bountiful natural resources of our venue of living before. This is just a dream but this can be true because nowadays everything is possible. It is, indeed, a great challenge of this environmentalist to provide solutions of the problems manifested in our environment. Before presenting my arguments, I would like first to secure the parameters of this debate. I limit this debate to one of the hottest issues in the environment which is Air Pollution. Air Pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organism. Looking at the status quo, it is obscene that there are a lot of sources that made our air contaminated. First point, I content that the severity of catastrophe happened in our environment deeply rooted from anthropogenic sources (human activity) such as â€Å"Stationary Sources† as smoke stacks of power plants, manufacturing facilities and municipal waste incinerators. â€Å"Mobile Sources† as motor vehicles, aircraft etc., marine Vessels such as container ship or cruise ships and related port air pollution, burning wood, fireplace, stoves, furnaces, fumes from hair spray, varnish, paint, aerosol spray and other solvent, oil refining and industrial activity in general. These things respond the question of why our air is being contaminated. Second point, I would like also to argue that the government plays a vital role in protecting our environment. The government has the prowess to make some possible and practical solutions of environmental problems. They have enough budgets to initiate some activity and project that would cater the protection and preservation of our natural resources. To sum up my arguments, first the main problem is the human activity that deteriorates our environment and second is the irresponsible action of the government. We can make a difference as by letting ourselves as an example because change starts in ourselves. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Air_pollution#Sources This page was last modified on 22 March 2008, at 18:53. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for details. ) Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a U. S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Transformation And Growth In The Uk Commerce Essay

Transformation And Growth In The Uk Commerce Essay The emergence of Santander into the UK market with the acquisition of Abbey represents a big move across Europe in the banking industry. This report aims to evaluate the effect of the move across border while analysing various strategy and tools which were used in the process. This report shows the structure and dynamics of the industry in which Santander competes and the effect it has on the industry. It also analyses the industry in which Santander competes in using the Positioning school, Resource Based View and analytical tools such as the five forces framework, PEST, VRIN and Porters generic strategy to analysing the transformation and growth of Santander in the UK since its acquisition of Abbey in 2004. Introduction to strategy Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over a long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations (Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington, 2008). They also explained that the word strategy is associated with different issues, one of which is the strategic fit with the business environment. Here, organisations need appropriate positioning in their environment i.e. the product or service should meet clearly identified market needs. While the Resource-Based View of strategy is about exploiting the strategic capability of an organisation, in terms of its resources and competences, to provide competitive advantage and/or yield new opportunities. Mintzbergs (1987) view of strategy as a Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position and Perspective covers the various ways which strategy is defined. He stated that strategy is a plan used to carry out an objective. It is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved (Glueck, 1980:9). As a plan, a strategy can be a ploy; too, really just a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or competitor. Strategy is a pattern- specifically, a pattern in a stream of actions. It is a position; a means of locating an organization in what theorists like to call an environment. It is also a perspective, its content consisting not just of a chosen position, but of an ingrained way of perceiving the world. Santander, the Spanish financial heavyweight in retail banking acquired Abbey, the British mortgage lender in late 2004. After stabilizing Abbey in 2005, it developed a three (3) year ambitious plan with the purpose of maintaining the performance of products with already high significant market value and share position, increasing its presence in other banking segments such as consumer finance, insurance and SME and Commercial lending in order to transform the institution into a full-service retail bank with a wide range of product and service offerings. Santander initially embarked on its strategy largely by exploiting its internal resources through Integration of human resources, introduction of its Technology, revenue growth and efficiency, maintaining a prudent approach to risk management. Industry and Market in which Santander competes The industry consists of a group of firms producing products or services that are essentially the same (Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes, Exploring Strategy, 2011). Santander competes in banking industry where it faces stiff competition from other major players in the industry like Barclays, Lloyds TSB, HSBC, HBOS and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) otherwise known as the big 5 and its major line of business is the retail banking which accounts for over half of its net income. Its core market in the UK is centred on Mortgages, Savings and protection while it also competes in Brazil and other parts of Europe including Portugal where it is recognized as the fourth largest retail bank with a customer base of 1.7 million, 670 branches, 6000 employees, a mortgage market share of 16% and over 18% in mutual funds. Structure and dynamics of the market in which Santander competes As explained by (Porter 1985), the strength of each of the five competitive forces is a function of industry structure, or the underlying economic and technical characteristics of an industry (Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael Porter, 1985). To analyse the structure and dynamics of the market in which Santander operates, it is imperative to understand the major factors which affect the Industry in general which in this case includes other major banks, their products and services, structure and also their strengths and weaknesses as this forms the competitive forces in the market 4.1 The threat of entry These are the barriers that need to be overcome by new entrants if they are to compete successfully (Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington, 2008). Entry barrier for competing in this area is high because it is a capital intensive industry. Achieving economies of scale is a factor for competing in the banking industry as it would require new entrants to compete on the same level of the other major players in the industry if they are to survive. As seen from the case, Santander was able to gain entrance with a  £9 billion acquisition of Abbey in 2004 which was at the time, Europes biggest cross-border banking deal and it already had experience in European retail banking which at the time, accounted for over half of its net income before the acquisition of Abbey. As it is a highly contested market for customer base, the level of difficulty in entry is quite high because the market is already controlled by the major banks with strong brands like Barclays, LTSB, HSBC, HBOS and Royal Bank of Scotland and It would be quite difficult for beginners to convince customers to move from these already known and established brands. Santander was able to gain entrance into the market through the acquisition of Abbey which already had a strong customer base of 18 million and a well-known brand name. It also had a competitive edge. Santander introduced Partenon, its successful core banking platform and this technology enabled Santander to perform a seamless integration, launch new products with minimal lead time. Entry barrier into the corporate and SME sector is also high. Although Abbey achieved significant growth in that area, it was still largely controlled by the Big 5 banks. Abbeys plan to successfully enter and compete in that segment will be dependent on the introduction of its Partenon system. 4.2. Bargaining power of Supplier The bargaining power of suppliers is high. The Big 5 banks (Barclays, HSBC, LTSB, RBS HBOS) control almost the same amount of share in some areas like the Credit Card Market and SME Banking and offer similar services. A supplier group is powerful where it is dominated by a few companies and is more concentrated than the industry it sells to (Porter 1980). 4.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers Buyers compete with the industry by forcing competition on prices, bargaining for higher quality or more services, and playing competition against each other- all at the expense of industry profitability (Porter 1980). With this being a highly competitive market, the bargaining power of buyers is also high and there is competition on price. 4.4 Threat of Substitutes According to Porter 1980, the threat of substitute is high if it offers an attractive price performance trade-off to the industrys product. In this area, the threat of substitutes is quite low. 4.5 Rivalry among existing competitors The rivalry among existing competitors is high especially among the Big 5 banks and this reflects in the close similarity in their market shares. As mention by Porter (1980), the intensity of rivalry is greatest if competitors are numerous or are roughly equal in size and power. Critical success factors for competing in the industry Critical success factors (CSF) are those factors that are particularly valued by a group of customers and, therefore, where the organisation must excel to outperform competition (Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington, 2008). To compete in its market, its new CEO Francisco Gomez- Roldan presented a three year ambitious plan for achieving success which was tagged The Three Year Plan: A Blueprint for success and this was a key factor to be implemented for them to compete in the financial market with the other major banks. This new plan was put in place in order to achieve the Groups vision of becoming the best retail bank in the UK. To begin with, the plan was aimed at maintaining the performance of products like mortgages which already had a high market share position and increase its revenue in other banking segments such as finance, insurance, SME and commercial lending so as to transform the institution into a full service retail bank with a wide range of products. The plan focused on increasing its revenue, efficiency and maintaining a prudent approach to risk management. To achieve this, it further grouped its operation into three main divisions and this was centred on Retail, Insurance and Asset Mana gement (IAM) and Abbey Financial Market (AFM). In the retail section, its target to achieve 75% in revenue and 70% of pre-tax profit would be through increased sales, customer and savings retention, cross sales and exploitation of new growth opportunities. The Insurance and asset management (IAM) section was to contribute 13% of its revenue before tax through its back book management. With a new regulation which allowed an individual considerable freedom in their pension contributions been put in place and becoming effective as of 6 April 2006 in the UK, it was envisaged that there would be increased demand for pension related products and advisory services and would lead to new opportunities for investment across sales. To key-in and compete in this section, Abbey will do so by developing its intermediary and end-customer focused retention programmes, introduce new stake-holder-focused communication strategies and remediation projects in order to reduce risks. Another area which would contribute 10% of Abbeys revenue and 17% of profit after tax is its financial market (AFM) and this was to be achieved by increasing its product range, customer base and transaction flow. In addition to the above, rebuilding Abbeys sales capabilities in mortgages, savings and protection, increasing its presence in bank accounts, unsecured personal loans (UPL), investment and pensions through the implementation of retention and incentive schemes proposed to target higher-value segments, developing a sustainable strategy for its online business Cahoot, increasing its telephone sales capabilities and also creating new branch sales system with sophisticated pricing by customer segment and increased focus on existing clients and cross sales for the unsecured personal loan segment will play a major role in competing successfully in its market. Its resources, competences, capabilities and how Santander differentiates itself from competitors Resources are the assets that an organisation have or can call upon and competences are the ways those assets are used or deployed effectively (Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes, 2011) while capabilities refers to the ability to integrate, build, and configure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments. Thus, it reflect an organisations ability to achieve new and innovative form of competitive advantage given path dependencies and market positions (Leonard-Barton, 1992) Santanders competence and capability in retail banking in Spain which accounts for half of its income is a strong advantage for them in terms of competing in the UK. They have an experienced and brilliant CEO in Antonio Horta-Osorio, who succeeded Francisco Gomez- Roldan after he passed away. His vision of making Santander the best commercial bank in the UK by focusing on efficiency, service quality, customer loyalty, teamwork and meritocracy showed his importance as a strong force which reflected on the growth of Santander since its entrance into the UK. Another great resource which Santander holds is its technology. The introduction of Partenon, its biggest technological asset which helped in the seamless integration and enabled them launch new products with minimal lead time. Their ability to outsource processes to Spain, Portugal and Poland in other to reduce the cost-to-income ratio while still maintaining physical interface with customers. With this resource, they were able to achieve economies of scale and offer reasonably priced products and services which meant higher income and increased customer loyalty. The proper utilisation of these human and technological resources by its management team led Abbey to win the Euromoney award for best Bank in the UK in mid-2008. Its sources of competitive advantage Competitive advantage is how an SBU (Strategic business unit) creates value for its users both greater than the cost of supplying them and superior to that of rival SBUs (Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes, 2011). It is further explained that to have an advantage, they must be able to create greater value than competitors because in the absence of a competitive advantage, the SBU is always vulnerable to attack by competitors. Barneys (1991) VRIN framework is also used to determine if a resource is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. To serve as a basis for sustainable competitive advantage, resources must be valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (fig 2). Competitive advantage is realised based on three factors (Sudarshan D, 1995): (1) the firms marketing strategy, (2) implementation of this strategy and (3) the industry context which refers to Porters generic strategy. Previous study by Porter (1980) introduces generic competitive strategies for gaining competitive advantage as: Overall cost leadership Differentiation Focus The differentiation strategy is one of differentiating the product or service offering of a firm, creating something that is perceived industrywide as being unique (fig 1). Santanders main source of competitive advantage which is unique is its IT Partenon banking platform. They differentiated themselves and gained a competitive advantage over its competitors through the use of Partenon. With this advanced business mode of operation, they were able to operate from their German and Italian centre through their data centre in Madrid, gain the trust of their customers, introduce a more secure way of doing business and offer a higher quality of service compared to its major competitors. In addition, it gave them a first mover advantage meaning they were able to eliminate duplicated processes, reduce the cost per transaction, and release new products into the market with minimal lead time before their competitors. Santander also gained competitive advantage by being the cost leader. According to Porter (1980), Cost leadership requires aggressive construction of efficient-scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like RD, service, sales force, advertising, and so on. With Santanders experienced management team coupled with their experience in retail banking, they were able to introduce best practices into the UK market at low cost and with an advantage in inputs in terms of its Partenon system, they were able to cut cost in operations while providing quality services for their customers. The major Macro/Micro environmental strategic marketing issues facing Santander, its view as an opportunity or threat, time frame for which each issue will be most relevant and the level of priority to be assigned to them The Macro/Micro environment consist of broad environmental factors that impact to a greater or lesser extent on almost all organisation and the PEST framework identifies how future trends in political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal environments might impinge on organisations (Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington, 2008). The analysis below shows the various environmental marketing issues faced by Santander. 8.1 Political issues The new regulation in the UK which became effective as of 6th April, 2006 A Day afforded individuals considerable freedom in their contributions to the pension schemes and other investment assets. This development is an opportunity for Abbey as it will bring about an increase in demand in the pension schemes and investment area through new product and advisory services offering. 8.2 Economic issues The British market for motor finance which was still fragmented with the three leading providers holding a combined market share of 30% presents an opportunity for Santander to increase its activities in consumer finance in the UK as it is a leading car finance provider in Continental Europe, its expertise, product range and economies of scale coupled with a joint with a joint venture with Abbey would develop the British market. With the general business climate in the UK housing market slowing down, the mortgage lending and market share faced a downward slide and this represents a threat to Santanders 10% market share in mortgages. Its counter-intuitive decision to cut down its market share from 10% to 6% prior to the downward change in the area due to its cautious and prudent approach to business was a timely and good decision made by Santander. A repeat of economic recession which happened in the past could be a threat to Santander. 8.3 Sociological issues Cultural differences With the acquisition of Abbey and entrance into the British market without prior operations in the UK market, Santander could face a brick wall at the initial stages of it operation in the UK because of the differences in national culture and business organisational culture. It is assumed that with the introduction of experienced management running the operations, and with the gradual introduction of its other resources, the effect of change can be cushioned. At the time of its acquisition, it was noted that Abbey had a total of 18 million customers, a strong brand which was built over time, but had weaknesses in customer relationship, poor sales productivity and sales culture. This was a weakness for Abbey because customer relationship and loyalty is a key factor for success in the industry. In other words, they were poor in customer orientation. This issue should be apportioned top priority considering that Santander had just gained entrance into the UK market by acquiring Abbey. Further operation under those poor customer relationship circumstances would most likely lead to loss in customer base and have a negative effect on Santanders total income. 8.4 Technological issues Technology enhancement through Partenon remains one of Santanders marketing assets which have helped to further strengthen the growth of the company since its introduction into Abbeys operations. The timely introduction of Partenon afforded Santander an opportunity to reduce cost of operation and allowed them release new products into the market in lesser time. The introduction of Partenon could be a challenge and an opportunity for Abbey. As it was a new system introduced, it required a lot of time and training before it could be fully implemented but proper training and gradual implementation, it turned into a major source of competitive advantage for Santander. The domination of the credit card section by the big clearing banks such as Barclays (16%), LTSB (11), RBS (16), HSBC (14), RBOS (6), and MBNA (9%) meant Abbey had little or no control in the market and this was as a result of its lack of experience in the area. Its plan to build a new credit business by target its existing customer base and prospects in the UK through strong product offerings will be a welcome development for Santander. However, this will be more relevant in the future after Santander must have cemented its position in the market along with the big banks. To what extent can Santanders strategy be described as being marketing oriented, what other strategic orientations could be considered A firm characterised as market oriented might have: developed an appreciation that understanding present and potential customer needs is fundamental to providing superior customer value; encouraged systematic gathering and sharing of information regarding present and potential customers and competitors as well as other related constituencies; and installed the sine qua non of an integrated, organisation-wide priority to respond to changing customer needs and competitor activities in order to exploit opportunities and circumvent threats (Hunt and Morgan, 1995; Kohli and Jaworski, 190; Narver and Slater, 1990). Considering Santanders plan to build selected products areas on a stand- alone basis, both organically and by acquisitions for its Corporate and SME segment, it can be said that it is quite market oriented. It can also be argued that Santander is not very market oriented because they mainly act and operate using their internal capabilities such as human, financial and technological resources to gain market presence and share without regarding the needs and wants of the customers. For instance, it acquired Abbey for its large customer base and geographical location and figured they could offer their services by mode of operation and technology (Partenon) to gain more customers and market shares even though they had no prior experience in the UK market. Other strategic orientation that could be considered Santander should consider a more aggressive oriented approach to compete in the market as against its prudent approach which it is currently known for. As explained by (Clark and Montgomery, 1996; Fombrum and Ginsberg, 1990), aggressiveness captures the facet of a firms strategic orientation that, in comparison with its competitors, rapidly deploys resources to improve market position. High concentration on RD in other to identify new services or products with high demand in other to create a first mover advantage while improving on its IT platform which remains one of its major sources of competitive advantage. Strategy evaluation methods utilised The strategy evaluation method utilised in section I II was from the position school and the Resource Based perspective of strategy and the Porters five forces theory as they relate to the way in which Santander operate in the UK market and the forces which affect the market in general. Similarities and differences of the different schools in analysing Santander Findings show similarities and differences in the position school and RBV. While the RBV refer to the internal capabilities, some of which are intangible and mostly unique assets of an organisation which they apply to gain competitive advantage, the positioning school revolves around competing with unique resources based on the analysed competitive forces of the industry. As explained with Porters three generic strategies which are; cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategy (fig 1), organisations compete using rare resources to position themselves in a profitable environment thereby gaining competitive advantage. Both of these strategies seek to exploit the organisations capabilities in other to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Appropriate strategy approach With this case and having applied both the positioning and resource-based view strategy, both strategies seem to work for Santander as they both revolve around capitalising on capabilities either by fitting into places of advantage revealed in the external environment by the five forces or by using internal capabilities or organisational resources/capabilities to create competitive advantage. In strategizing, whichever fits an organisation and allows it operate successfully should be used. Other issues that would minimise the likelihood of implementing the option and ways of overcoming these challenges As most organisations compete using their source of competitive advantage by applying it through positioning or RBV strategy, an issue that could minimise the likelihood of implement the options is the thought of a rare resource becoming available to competitors, this might cause it to lose its competitive edge over it competitors. To overcome this change, continuous development and innovation is necessary for an organisation for it to continue to stay relevant and compete over time. Recommendation Santander has shown strong desire to compete and become one of the best banks in the UK since its entrance. However, for it to continue in its growth, high concentration on market orientation is very important in other to increase business performance across all areas of its operation. Also, continuous development of its product range should be put into consideration while it continues further development on its technology system as this has shown to be one of its driving forces in competing with the other major banks.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The South could NOT Win the American Civil War :: essays research papers

The American antebellum South, though rich in pride and raised in military tradition, was to be no match for the promising superiority of the rapidly developing North in the coming Civil War. Their lack of readily trained men, in conjunction with social and economical issues, made the Civil War a joke for the North, and a disaster for the South. The paramount reason the South fell well short of a victory was the obvious difference in population between the South and the North. The North at the time had 22,000,000 men while the South had a meager 9,500,000, of whom 3,500,000 million were slaves. While the slaves could be used to support the war effort through work on the plantations, in industries and as teamsters and pioneers with the army, they were not used as a combat arm in the war to any extent. This cuts the South's manpower by a third, leaving a 15,500,000 difference in the population of the two areas. In the 1850's the North was more populous and urban, due to the Irish and German immigrants that traveled to the states. By1860, 9 out of the 10 biggest cities were in the North. The Union also had large amounts of land available for growing food crops, which served the dual purpose of providing food for its hungry soldiers and money for its ever-growing industries. The South, on the other hand, devoted most of what arable land it had exclusively to its main cash crop: cotton Industrially the South couldn't keep up in output of weapons, ammunition and other supplies. The North had more industry, with 10,000 factories that brought in $1.5 billion dollars in goods compared to the South's 20,000 that brought in $155 million Raw materials were almost entirely concentrated in Northern mines and refining industries. The North also had 70% of the railroads, and telegraph lines, the absolute lifelines of any army, traced paths all across the Northern countryside but left the South isolated, outdated, and starving. The confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union; for Northern states had manufactured 97% of the country’s firearms in 1860, 94% of its cloth, 93% of its pig iron, and more then 90% of its boots and shoes. By the beginning of war in 1860, the Union, from an economical standpoint, stood like a towering giant over the stagnant Southern agrarian society.

Democracy Verses The Red Machine :: essays research papers

In past and even in recent history, world politics has taken many faces ranging from the absolute monarchies of PhillipII to the dictatorships of Sadam Hussein. Some political institutions have even stood out and have taken center stage in political theses. Two successful institutions that follow this criteria include democracy, backed by de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and communism, as written in Marx’s Communist Manifesto. While both these aspects of politics have enjoyed ample success, there is no possible way both these worlds can coexist and function because democracy has exceptionally achieved far more prestige and withstood the ravage of time in terms of American democracy. Communism could have been the answer to governing a nation but due to the vice of power-hungry leaders, democracy surpasses this institution with evidence from history, revealing why these political powers machines cannot remain mutually exclusive. Communism can be regarded as a social system in which property is owned by the community and each member works for the common benefit. Such an ideal where the community as a whole works for equal benefit may seem to paint the perfect picture at first but this theory becomes tainted. The Communist Manifesto proclaims, â€Å"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriations† (Marx 12). What communism lacks, due to ignorance by its perfect picture, is the aspect of proper management to further a country’s prestige. And what happens when you have management via dictatorship? There usually lurks the abuse of power and later the overthrow of a power by civil war or international powers. What communism lacks that democracy fosters is the virtue of progress that allows a nation to rise above and endure times of hostility. The portrait of democracy is best painted by the French writer deTocqueville who acts as a mere observer of American democracy rather than a participant. Although taking such an objective stance, he adores the democratic institution in America. Democracy in response to communism is government by the whole people of a country. The answer communism exclusively has that democracy lacks is the solution to the class struggle as identified by deTocqueville, â€Å"The division of property has lessened the distance which separated the rich from the poor; but it would seem that, the nearer they draw to each other, the greater is their mutual hatred and the more vehement the envy and the dread†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (deTocqueville 6/10).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essay -- Biography Biographies

Andrew Jackson â€Å"I cannot be intimidated from doing that which my judgment and conscience tell me is right by any earthly power.† This quote by Jackson underlies the fact the he was a selfish, tyrannical ruler. He did not make decisions based on the interests of the whole nation but on his own personal benefit, in search of self- achievement. Although he was portrayed or possibly manipulated the citizens to believe that he was a president for the common man, that was simply not the way he acted. As president, he purposely ignored the power of the Judicial branch to judge laws, and strengthened the power of the Executive branch above the limits in the Constitution. He was also said to be rude and uneducated, which might have led to the reasons why he was such a power hungry tyrant; but before one makes this harsh judgment they must first realize the type of life that Andrew Jackson lived. It almost certainly was the main reason why his thought process was so different from the regular wealthy, educated earlier presidents. The third child of Irish immigrants, he joined the Army when he was only thirteen years old. Although he was young he had already developed hatred towards the British, because his oldest brother was killed fighting in the Revolution. Even though Jackson was an exceptional soldier, both him and his middle brother were captured by British troops. After their mother pleaded for their release, the boys were set free, but due to the poor living conditions of the army camp, Jackson’s family was overcome by the smallpox disease. Leaving him all alone in life. This traumatic time in his life could have been the start of all his psychological problems. It seems that trouble almost always found Jackson. After being a lawyer for only a few years, an argument with another lawyer in the town led to an insult. Eventually Jackson challenged the man to a duel. Things did not look good for Jackson's opponent because Jackson was a notoriously good shot, but at the last minute Jackson offered his enemy some bacon and a joke, and they laughed together. This shows Jackson had the power to manipulate people. In just a few years of law Jackson, now eighteen met his soon to be wife, Rachel Robards. There was a small problem though†¦Rachel was married. But Jackson being the terrifying man that he was, played with a huge knife during the divorce trial; this p... as president by exceeding his limits and allowing his personal happiness and emotions influence his decisions that may have affected him positively but affected the rest of the United States in a negative way; which was unbelievably selfish. He left the nation with confusion and failures instead of contributing to it, achievements. Jackson once said, â€Å"I know what I am fit for. I can command a body of men in a rough way; but I am not fit to be President.† I do not think he realized how right he was. Bibliography 1. Cayton, Andrew, Perry, Elisabeth I. and Allan M. Winkler. American Pathways to the Present. Needham: Prentice Hall, 1995 2. Kunhardt, Phillip B, Phillip III and Paul. â€Å"Andrew Jackson the 7th president.† The American President. (April 9, 2000): Online. Internet. May 2, 2001 3. Jackson, Andrew. â€Å"First Inaugural Address.† Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States. (1989): p.3 4. Jackson, Andrew. â€Å"Second Inaugural Address.† Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States. (1989): p.2 5. Zinn, Howard. †As Long as the Grass Grows or Water Runs † A Peoples History of the United States: 1492 to Present. New York City: Harper Collins, 1999

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Globalization process Essay

Due to the emergence of globalization process, many changes are taking place within the mainstream business activity. As the organizations becoming to more and more globalized, the need to have a uniform set of international standards is strongly felt. This argument is based on the fact that since organizations are becoming global and have to face the different legal as well as cultural environments therefore in a bid to reduce the bottlenecks for the international firms as well as creating a uniform set of accounting rules and regulations, it is critical that a convergence shall be made to the international accounting standards so that a uniformity can be achieved. The experience of EU and Canada has been successful so as those of other countries who are making a transition to the international accounting standards. This experience is also considered as a strong signal for the US to adapt to the new standards because it is connected with the global world. The complexities of the international trade have led much international business to remove the conflict between the different standards in place and as such the effort from the US is one of the attempts to converge to the International standards to achieve the desired results. However, it is also critical to note that many argue that such transition will be costly for the American firms because an earlier transition to Sarbanes Oxley has been a costly proposition for the many companies and most of them may be reluctant to adapt to the new standards. The costs, however, may be relatively high but the added benefits which US firms may enjoy after this convergence may greatly outweigh the benefits. The uniformity of the standards will allow international firms, especially to be more flexible and support the initiatives taken by the Security and Exchange Commission to make a phased transition to the adaptation of the IFRS. The process of this convergence can be difficult to assess as it is a phased process however, given the fact that more than 85 countries have adapted the IFRS itself indicate that more and more countries are now willing to adapt to the international standards in order to facilitate the businesses to adapt a uniform set of standards. Such large scale adaptation of the standards however, also creates cultural as well language problems as the correct and accurate interpretation of the standards itself is an issue to deal with. Language and culture therefore are two of the potential impediments which can restrict the true applicability of the standards even if the standards are fully implemented and adapted by the countries. If we assess the globalization of accounting standards with special reference to US, we will also come to know that few of the international firms in US have already adopted the standards for their foreign subsidiaries and as such this process may not be as complicated to them as they may perceive it. However, what is also critical to note that those firms which have only the domestic presence within the US market may find it difficult to cope with the increasing costs as well as adapting to the new standards? This will not only require investment into improving the skill level of the employees as well as would require additional funds to implement the new system.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Never Let Me Go Essay

Over the past century, biological engineering has made a huge step forward. They made possible to duplicate human DNA in order to produce a genetic replicate. The novel â€Å"Never Let Me Go† by Kazuo Ishiguro in the fiction story of three friends, as the products of genetic cloning, illustrates the negative view of the human nature. This novel, through the eyes of Kathy H. , shows what it means to be a clone and what problems they experienced growing up. Clones are real humans and should be treated as naturally born humans. The clones were not naturally produced, but they created inside of a government lab. These story shows that they were not considered as a humane, and were treated not as rest of the real people. They were created to increase the health of the greater population. If clones are the real people then it is wrong to donate their vital organs against their will. These clone students who lived in school called Hailsham were cut off from the world. They were told only what they needed to know. Once, their teachers, Miss Lucy, explained to her students that one day they all will donate their organs and then die before they even became middle aged. As naturally born humans, clones should have free will. Further, when they were fifteen years old teenagers they had dreams about future. Some of them wanted to go to America, another wanted to be actors and to be a film stars or to work in supermarkets (81). But Miss Lucy told them â€Å"Your lives are set out for you. You’ll become adults, then before you’re old, before you’re even middle-aged, you’ll start to donate your vital organs. That’s what each of you was created to do. You’re not like the actors you watch on your videos, you’re not even like me. You were brought into this world for a purpose, and your futures, all of them, have been decided (81). † Real humans are brought into this world for a purpose and they have free will, not like these clones and it is not right. As a real human, clones should have a chance to choose as we all do. Later, when they were thirteen years old they were told that they will not going to be able to have babies. â€Å"Then there was the whole business about our not being able to have babies (83). † Conclution : The whole idea of cloning humans is wrong

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evidence-Based Policing Essay

The police work of fighting crime is not on easy tack and requires many strategies, techniques and skills. To find the way to a certain problem police use their evidences to conduct a research to try to solve it. By experimenting their ideas they can find out if the curtain approach to the problem does work or doesn’t. The one of the advantages of evidence-based policing is that it design to help fight crime. Evidence-based policing is design to find the best available solution to the problem and give other police officers in other reagents the information on how to deal with that problem. It creates certain rules and guidelines for the low enforcement agencies. There are defiantly some disadvantages to the evidence-based policing. One of them is usage of opinions, because evidence-based policing is strictly based on evidence it takes away importance of people involvement. If people can not express their opinion they lose interest and involvement. Another two disadvantages of evidence-based policing in mi opinion that police experiments are expensive and might take a long time to conduct. One of the examples that I was able to find on line is called The Flint Experiment. That experiment was conducted in 1977 and the goal of that experiment according to the National  Center for Community Policing was to decrease the amounts of criminal activities and to increase the citizen’s perception of personal safety. The process of that experiment consisted of police officers patrolling the streets and not only fighting crime but also involving themselves in a community programs. That act of involvement in the community has resulted in decrease of the crime rates by 8.7 percent. Another result of Evidence-Based Policing that experiment is that citizens has started to handling minor problems by themselves which resolved in less calls of the citizens to the police. That allowed police to concentrate on more major problems. The second experiment that I found is called Kansas City Gun Experiment. The goal of that experiment was to reduce crime by seizures of illegal guns. The result of the experiment has shown according to US Department of Justice crime in those areas was reduced by 69 percent which shows the effectiveness of the experiment. References National Center for Community Policing,The Impact of Foot Patrol on Black and White Perceptions of Policing .Robert C. Trojanowicz, Retrieved on January 27, 2010. From : Office of Justice Programs. Kansas City Gun Experiment — Kansas City, MO Retrieved on January 26, 2010. From: gun_violence/profile20.html Schmalleger, F. S. (2009). CRJ100: Criminal justice today: An introductory text for the 21stcentury (10th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Additive Manufacturing Technology In Dental Implants Engineering Essay

Medical industry is one of the most existing industries which extensively use Rapid Manufacturing for their application. Every twenty-four hours tonss of people all around the universe faces different medical jobs and they easy get treated really rapidly merely because of new fabrication technique. From this aspect Dental and Hearing industries are in a tendency which is developing really fast to undertake the challenges of future and treated as the most successful portion of this industry. The full research and application are depends on some alone particular functionality, form and cost. Sing all demands the constituent are produced utilizing plentifulness of stuffs through different procedure for both industries such as, This study gives the brief thought about usage of linear fabrication engineering in medical industry particularly in dental and hearing with an illustration of fabricating constituent, it besides put light on advantage for both modeller and user after utilizing linear fabrication engineering. The Rapid Prototyping ( RP ) can be defined as a group of technique which refers to the bed by layer fiction of 3-dimensional ( 3D ) physical theoretical accounts straight from Computer aided design ( CAD ) . ( Cooper, 2001 ) By and large this RP is known as the Additive fabrication ( AM ) procedure, because of recent sweetening and development in the field of Computer Numerical Control ( CNC ) machining has prove this engineering as the portion of RP procedure. ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) Development in CNC machining which happened as an RP technique include remotion of stuff with higher rates, addition in cutting velocities and besides with higher machine axis speed. New development in both package and 3D bounder informations coped up with the recent alterations. ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) The procedure begins after making a 3D theoretical account utilizing CAD package and it is indistinguishable for all built techniques. The theoretical account is so convert in to Standard Triangulation Language ( STL ) format, this format shows the 3D surfaces as an assembly of many contriver trigons. At following phase STL file slice the 3D theoretical account in to beds. As we know the linear fabrication is gradual procedure in which parts are industries through beds and each beds are joined and procedure continues until the concluding portion formed. RP ‘s linear nature allows is to make parts with complicated internal characteristics which is non possible by other agencies like hollow countries and undercuts for that these parts some times supports are necessary. ( ( thenar, 1998 ) )2.2.1: Potential benefits of Rapid prototyping:Rapid Prototyping has great advantages in technology, fabrication, selling and buying because it is easy rectified the job before production through design procedure. And it becomes clearer after comparing it with both CNC and traditional methods. ( efunda, 2010 ) Other benefits of rapid prototyping are follows, ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) Elimination of clip of tooling and cost Complexity does non state about cost and clip. Bespoke/customised parts which are non possible for early methods. Through procedure is really easy to unite parts. It is easy to incorporate parts like mechanical and electronics Need non to piece the portion it will automatically come after procedure. Proper look into up cut down the stock list Easy to machine complex geometries like hollow parts and crisp interior cones.3.0: Rapid Prototyping Technologies:Assortment of rapid prototyping engineering is being used in different country for different prototyping intent. The purpose consider as fabrication of follows, Hearing assistance shell Dental header, coronating and Bridgess3.1: Linear fabrication Technologies:3.1.1: Stereolithography ( SLA ) : Stereolithography ( SLA ) is an linear fabrication engineering for bring forthing paradigms, forms, theoretical accounts, and in some instances, production parts. SLA builds theoretical account of plastic parts individual bed at a clip by following beam of optical maser on the VAT of liquid UV curable exposure polymer rosin. When UV light work stoppages the surface of the polymer rosin solidify the individual bed of rosin, when one bed is completed after following, the built platform descend in deepness by individual bed thickness ( Schmitt, 2005 ) . Then, a rosin filled blade expanses over the cross subdivision and make full it with fresh stuff and so optical maser once more do the same procedure on the top of the old bed, this procedure continues until the theoretical account is produced. Material self adhesive belongings to bond each bed and forma complete 3D theoretical account, after edifice parts are cleaned in dawanol rosin and intoxicant and so cured in a UV oven. ( wikipedia, 2010 ) Stereolithography requires support for some object holding complex geometries like over bents and under cuts to keep the portion in lift platform and to forestall alteration in geometry from non debaring because of gravitation but to keep accurately. Supports are either automatically or manually designed along with the theoretical account, after procedure completion elevates it from VAT and cut off the supports. Then station processing requires which include cleansing and station remedy. ( Schmitt, 2005 ) Fig 1: The stereolithography procedure ( wikipedia, 2010 ) Advantages of Stereo lithography: ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) High quality surface finish with good mechanical strength Models are clear and sound in declaration Reliable for high productiveness Disadvantages of Stereolithography: Expansive in machines and care every bit compared to others and Complete service in contract and besides require laser replacing. Materials are expensive ( ?120-200/kg ) and in limited scope Should see wellness and safety issues with accessory equipment Wet stuff handling Require station processing 3.1.2: Laser Sintering ( LS ) : â€Å" Laser sintering ( LS ) is an linear fabrication technique by which parts are produces straight from 3D CAD theoretical account built bed by bed similar to SLA but instead than liquid rosin pulverization is used † ( Arptech, 2010 ) . The CO2 Laser beam traces the all right heat fusible pulverization bed to increase its liquescent temperature so that pulverization fuses and organize a solid mass. The optical maser beam energy is maintained merely to blend pulverization in defined country of cross subdivision. The whole chamber temperature is fixed merely below the runing point of pulverization, so laser somewhat increase the temperature for sintering procedure or it means that welding without runing ( Arptech, 2010 ) . For the following measure Piston descend by individual bed thickness to resign topographic point for the new pulverization bed. Roller dispersed powder stuff on the built platform. This procedure continues until the sold theoretical account is produced with blending each bed below it. Then parts removed from the platform and left pulverization is removed for farther usage, produced portion may necessitate station processing for good surface coating such as sanding, it depend on the application. Complex geometries like overhangs and under cuts are supported by the solid pulverization bed. ( Schmitt, Rapid prototyping in dental medicine: engineering and application, 2005 ) Advantages of LS: ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) Potential stuffs are available in broad scope for processing Properties of the produced portion are really near to technology criterions With out station hardening theoretical accounts are used Fresh pulverization Acts of the Apostless as the support No demand to plan supports Easy to take support stuff Support stuff can be partly ( 30 % ) reused = less waste Supports are wholly removed with out feeling Partss are stacked on the top and inside the another object Disadvantages of LS: Process get shrink so need to give compensation Difficult procedure as compared to SLA Partss are porous require excess care/ powdery surface Build orientation defines the belongingss Brittle parts as compared to others Dust control is a large job in this procedure Fig 2: Laser sintering procedure plants ( Arptech, 2010 ) 3.1.3: Fused Deposition Modeling ( FDM ) : â€Å" Construction of 3D theoretical accounts through the uninterrupted deposition of an extruded fibril of stuff † ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) FDM is largely known as a 2nd best prototyping engineering after SLA ( Additive3d, 2010 ) ; it consists of temperature governable caput which extrude bed by bed thermo fictile stuff. Material is supplied to an bulge nose through a plastic fibril which is non wounded on a spiral. Heated nozzle melt the plastic in to semi liquid province and it besides has a mechanism through which it pour the liquid province plastic when it required agencies on and off system. Nozzle is allowed to travel in both perpendicular and horizontal waies and it is set on a mechanical phase. As the nozzle base on balls through the tabular array it pour the liquid province fictile stuff in the needed flight bed by bed. The fictile rapidly solidify and bonded with the old bed after chuck outing from the nose. The whole system is hold in a chamber which is maintained at a temperature somewhat lower so the runing point of plastic. Assortment of patterning colourss and stuffs are available in FDM procedure such as investing casting wax and medical class ABS. ( Schmitt, Rapid prototyping in dental medicine: engineering and application, 2005 ) Fig 3: Fused deposition patterning procedure ( express.redeyeondemand, 2010 ) Advantages of FDM: ( Wimpenny, ( 2010 ) ) Operation is simple Machines are inexpensive and dependable as compared to others Assortment of stuffs can be used for functional paradigms Easy to run in office environment. Disadvantages of FDM: Slow in procedure Partss are porous so they require excess attention Build orientation set the belongingss otherwise delamination can happen Support stuff should be removed otherwise it modify the physique stuff which are manually broken Waste of support stuff3.1.4: 3D Printing:â€Å" 3D printingA uses standard inkjet publishing engineering to make parts layer by bed by lodging a liquid binder onto thin beds of pulverization. Alternatively of feeding paper under the print caputs like a 2D pressman † ( Materialise, 2010 ) , in 3D printing procedure print caput prints the portion cross subdivision informations after go throughing over a bed of pulverization. Feed Piston and platform are mechanized to administer pulverization in full physique platform equally and accurately, which comes up bit by bit for every individual bed. Powder which is distributed from feed Piston is spread on a build platform through roller mechanism. After distributing the pulverization bed, Printing starts with inkjet print caput to the cross subdivision of the first bed or the base of the theoretical account on the all right bed of pulverization, with pasting the pulverization together. After this Piston fall the platform by individual bed thickness of 0.1mm and fresh bed of pulverization is distributed equally on the top of earlier 1. The print head start publishing new bed after using informations for the following cross subdivision, and it besides glued automatically with the old 1. This procedure repeated it self for every individual bed until the solid theoretical account is produced ( Materialise, 2010 ) . After finishing the procedure, The reinforced chamber and parts are supported by left pulverization. Partss are removed from the build chamber after stuff get set, feed platform usage staying loose pulverization for farther production. Fig 4: 3D Inkjet printing procedure ( Rapid prototyping centre, 2010 ) Advantages of 3D printing: Less fabrication cost for little and medium parts Good surface coating can be achieved through station processing and sanding Partss are reused after painting and smoothing Disadvantages of 3D printing: 3DP parts have small unsmooth visual aspect because of fictile bead layering Not good for big portion because slow in procedure 3.1.5: Jetting ( PolyJet from Objet ) : Jeting is significantly similar to stereolithography in engineering with lone difference that it uses solid province exposure sensitive stuff. PolyJet engineering works on the jetting procedure in which exposure polymer stuffs are jetted on a built platform in extremist thin beds to finish portion bed by bed. Ultra violet visible radiation remedies every individual exposure polymer stuff bed instantly after gushing, with out station hardening theoretical accounts are to the full cured on managing and can be used instantly. The supports which are designed to back up complex geometries are really easy to take by manus or H2O jetting because it is gel like support stuff. ( Materialise, 2010 ) Fig 5: Ployjet printing procedure ( Art corporation, 2010 )3.1.6: Multi jet Mold:Multi Jet Modeling is a fast rapid prototyping engineering besides footings as Thermo jet and is used for construct mold. The theoretical accounts truth is less every bit compared to stereolithography because of wax like plastic theoretical accounts. â€Å" The procedure uses a print caput that consists of additive arranged jets which spray bantam droplets of liquid liquid stuff which cool and harden on impact to organize the solid object † . ( (, 2010 ) ) Fig 6: multi jet patterning procedure ( Wimpenny. D. ( 2010 ) . RP & A ; CNC machining, Rapid Product Development, De Montfort University, Leicester ) Advantages of Multi jet mold: ( Cooper, 2001 ) Cost effectual Reliable Good surface finish and net working capableness Disadvantages of Multi jet mold: Materials are low in strength Relatively high cost for edifice stuffs Partss of support stuffs are unsmooth in surface3.2: Materials:Linear fabrication procedure requires different stuffs for different single application. Materials vary harmonizing to company and there machines. For Dental and Hearing parts the stuffs are suited such as, Perfactory- envisiontec e-shell 200- Rigid and Durable DMLS- Titanium and Cobalt crome 3D- Castable stuffs Solidscape D66+ 3D printer- Non toxic thermoplastic stuff Projet MP300- Visijet MP200 Dental theoretical account stuff Objet Eden machines- Full remedy rose and skin tone4.0: Application in Dental and Hearing industries:Hearing assistance shells Dental implants4.0.1: Hearing assistance shell machines:A: â€Å" LS are a free signifier fiction procedure using linear rapid fabrication engineering. The optical maser sintering engineering was developed at the University of Texas, originally licensed to DTM Corporation † . ( Paramount, 2010 ) Laser sintering has become the fabricating method of pick in the hearing assistance industry. This industry has to strongly necessitate to custom-make its merchandises, because the success of this procedure is to the full depend on the ability of portion to accommodate to the anatomy of the audile canal. The fabrication procedure does non depend on figure of indistinguishable or single merchandise and it ever runs with the same efficiency. The entire reinforced country of optical maser sintering system can be filled with several hundred hearing assistance shells and therefore all merchandises can bring forth in one dark. In this procedure optical maser copy the anatomy by making wax form so copied wax form scanned to make a 3D informations and apart from geometry every portion is integrate with certain designation figure so that that it can be easy identified after procedure. Laser sinter the shell and it will unite through electronic constituent. Presently this optical maser sinteri ng engineering produces about 100000 hearing assistance shells in a twelvemonth and it can be achieved through one individual plastic optical maser sintering machine ( Stotko, 2005 ) Fig 7: Laser sintered hearing assistance ( Stotko, 2005 ) Bacillus: Objet ‘s solution is the hearing assistance industry which done all necessary trial to guarantee that that the stuffs which are developed for hearing assistance instruments are suited for the procedure every bit good as Oklahoma from medical point of position. Objet ‘s Eden machines are work on Ployjet engineering and industry hearing AIDSs with perfect coating and good quality sing more flexibleness, productiveness and less cost. The solution including three material picks for alone hearing assistance instrument like clear, rose clear, skin tone. Machines particular rosin replacing system makes it easy to alter the rosin for the peculiar merchandise. Eden machines produce merchandise with really thin 16 micrometer bed thickness which are good in all facet for hearing industry. ( Objet, 2010 ) Fig 8: Objet hearing AIDSs for different stuffs ( Objet, 2010 ) Degree centigrades: Prefactory enhanced the hearing assistance shell sing both cost and clip. It besides offers the perfectness for the hearing assistance industry with over several medically approved stuff to offer with assorted skin tone colourss stuffs along with ruddy, bluish, tap, tan, mocca, ecru, chocolate, brown, black, white, rose clear and crystal clear it is new launched soft stuff. It is integrated on a face home base for application get downing from single hears casts to the concluding shells. ( envisionTec, 2010 ) Fig 9: Hearing assistance envision TEC e-Shell 200 series ( envisionTec, 2010 ) Through Perfactory 30 shells are produced at every 90 proceedingss which is more than earlier procedure because of its flexibleness in bring forthing parts with easy stuff changing. † EnvisionTEC e-Shell 200 is a liquid, photo-reactive propenoate for constructing functional parts which are tough, opaque, water- and perspiration-resistant † , and available in several different tegument tone colourss. ( envisionTec, 2010 ) 4.0.2: Dental Implants: Two chief paths ; 1: Investing casting from AM forms 2: Direct metal parts by optical maser sintering/melting4.0.2.1: Investing casting:Several machines capable of doing forms A: The Solidscape D66+ 3D pressman produce high precised wax form from 3D CAD information. This produces waxups utilizing linear engineering which is known as bead on demand jetting. The Non toxic thermoplastic stuff through which waxups produced are to the full castable and could non go forth any residuary ashes which create job for farther procedure. The whole procedure is clear in border and spreads because of negligible shrinking of the stuff and it besides remain consistent for every tally. ( Bruce Lusting, 2010 ) The D 66+ , which is an entryway to the new Prexacto merchandise line, is focused for bring forthing high quality wax forms for coronating and get bying and for other dental parts in little dental research labs. If it is used satisfactorily so the parts are produced at low cost with high degree of client satisfaction and it ‘s of import for proper digital dental medicine flow. The Solidscape Prexacto is the perfect merchandise line sing both monetary value and public presentation for dental research labs. ( CAD BLU DENTAL, 2010 ) D66+ produced 750 units per month with low norm cost so the earlier one and it besides saves more than $ 12,000 per month over traditional methods. ( Bruce Lusting, 2010 ) Fig 10: Solidscape D66+ pressman ( CAD BLU DENTAL, 2010 ) Bacillus: For dental procedure the Envisiontec perfactory Digital Dental Printer ( Perfactory DDP ) is a really good machine for bring forthing dental parts. The capableness of machine is that it can fabricate 65 anatomical wax get bying or units with good declaration of 35 micrometers in less than two hours utilizing wax based polymer system and besides it can bring forth parts with accurate spread systematically. Digital dental pressman is capable for cap, Crowns and Bridgess production without fring the existent size. The Perfactory DDP from envision TEC is absolutely convenient for procedure where both header and metallic ceramic pressure are built on the machine at the same time. The concluding printed portion get bying produced automatically with a psilosis on a system, which was designed for the simple arrangement for direct investing casting. Assortment of stuffs is available harmonizing to demands. ( envisionTec,2010 ) Fig 11: Digital alveolar consonant printing ( envisionTec, 2010 ) Degree centigrades: 3D production system launches its first economical Projet MP300 for both little and average dental labs. This new compact system green goods parts with the latest coevals of 3d systems patented and proprietary Multijet Modeling engineering. It gives the perfect characteristic definition at high physique velocity. Projet MP3000 produces dental portion theoretical accounts from new lasting and high contrast Visijet MP200 Dental theoretical account stuff for the application. ( 3D systems, 2010 ) The system can bring forth theoretical account with good surface coating and proper size and besides it can construct multi theoretical accounts in a individual clip. Same twenty-four hours processing helps to minimise cost and clip because it works with plaster and feeling scanner. ( 3D systems, 2010 ) Fig 12: ProJet MP 3000 3D Printing System ; Working Model ( 3D systems, 2010 ) Laser sintering / MeltingThis engineering is used in dental and medical industries for bring forthing little and average sized direct parts, because of complexness in parts and tooling industry has to do insert tooling straight. With a great build envelop of 250mm ten 250mm ten 185mm tallness, and besides have the ability to fabricate multiple parts at individual clip ; DMLS is the engineering which is really effectual in both cost and clip. This used in both for cost economy technique to do it simple in assembly and geometry for production maker and rapid prototyping because it minimizes the clip of development for new merchandise. ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) Fig 13: SLM image ( 3D systems, 2010 )Typical forms like headers, Crowns and Bridgess are straight built in metal, utilizing Ti and Co chrome. Sinterstation Pro DM125 SLM is a system which manufactures straight to the full dense, stop metal parts with great smoothness and tolerances. ( 3D systems, 2010 )Linear Manufacturing Process Choice:5.0: Decision:This study highlights the usage of Additive fabrication engineering in production of hearing assistance instruments and dental implants. It besides concludes that how these engineerings are being used in medical industry for development and sweetening of medical parts. Particularly dental implant parts which are produced through investing casting linear fabrication procedure are more dependable, cost effectual and of import for digital dental medicine flow, nevertheless hearing assistance shells are produced through jetting procedure utilizing objet machines are really thin and assortment in colourss. Now patients are satisfied that the usage of linear fabrication engineering heightening the quality of merchandise sing all the factors, if u compare new merchandise with the earlier one so it is inexpensive and easy to utilize. In future as linear fabrication engineering and stuffs are keep on concentrating for development, so it will hike the medical industry in all facets. 6.0: Appendix:Jetting:Machines Solidscape D66+ 3D Projet MP 3000 Build size ( centimeter ) Resolution System package Input format Modeler weight Accuracy Material 15.24Ãâ€"15.24Ãâ€"15.24 5000Ãâ€"5000 XY declaration Windows CE STL or SCL 635 pound ( 288 Kg ) 0.001-0.002 per inch of portion dimension Non toxic thermo fictile stuff ( first-class strength and lost wax projecting qualities ) 29.8Ãâ€"18.5Ãâ€"20.3 328x328x606 DPI ( XYZ ) Windows XP or Windows 7 STL or SCL pound ( 34 Kg ) 0.001 per inch of portion dimension Visi jet MP200 build stuff ( Formulated for exceeding castability and visibleness ) Machines Eden250 Eden 260 Eden 350V Eden 500V Build size ( centimeter ) Resolution Input format Material Machine weight 26x26x20 600x300x1600 DPI ( XYZ ) STL and SCL Full remedy 720 Full remedy 705 support 280 Kg 26x26x20 600x300x1600 DPI ( XYZ ) STL and SCL Full remedy 720 280 Kg 35x35x20 600x300x1600 DPI ( XYZ ) STL and SCL Full remedy 720 Full remedy 705 support 410 Kg 50x40x20 600x300x1600 DPI ( XYZ ) STL and SCL Full remedy 720 Full remedy 705 support 410 Kg